Saturday, January 28, 2012

A sink full of dishes, but I'd rather not.

Just like I said - I've got a sink full of dishes (and I mean FULL, not, like, just a little bit full...) but I'd rather not do them. The little guy is napping, and what am I doing? I'm running around like a crazy person grabbing my crafting supplies so I can come up with something fun, cute, and quick. Is this wrong that I neglect some of my household chores from time to time so that I can craft? If it's wrong, then I don't wanna be right! (Clearly.)
As if that wasn't enough, I've almost completely forgotten that Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Since I'm in the process of trying to lose weight & forget that chocolate exists, this does not excite me. I've already warned the hubs (we'll just call him that from now on) that I DO NOT want any candy for V-day, and that jewelry will suffice. (Insert sweet smile here.) Why does it seem that every time I walk into a drugstore/grocery store/any store that the Valentine's candy/chocolates is waiting right there to greet me? Oh that's right, because it is!! So, I decided to search for some V-day related crafts that didn't involve stuffing my face...I think I found something pretty cute, indeed. Since most of our family and friends live at the opposite end of the state of California, and they don't get to see our little guy as often as we'd all like, I think the appropriate gift is a long-distance hug from him. :) How does that work, you might ask? Well, I'm about to show you! (Once I get the supplies together and the little guy is done napping and has had lunch.) This is a SUPER easy and simple DIY project that's perfect to send in the mail along with a sweet (not-of-the-calorie-kind) Valentine. Most people have the items needed in the house anyway, so it's practically free! (WEEEEEE! We like free!)
Instructions and pictures to follow...'till then, I'm Pinteresting it.

P.S. Here is the graphic I'd been looking for while writing a previous post but couldn't find. I think it's just so perfect, I'll stick in on this one...
This is SO my best friend and me - we like to play a game at the register. Whoever spends the most $$ wins, only because it's better to feel like a winner than to cry over how much you spent on things you don't need. (I usually win. Not proud of it.)

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