Friday, August 17, 2012

Fail/Fabulous Friday...

I decided that I'd start posting some of my Pinterest fails. Why? Because it's funny, and because I like to know which Pinterest ideas are a waste of time & money! Some ideas seems way too good to be true, and I'd like to save (my already limited time) for projects that really, REALLY work.
I'll try to post these attempts on Fridays - hence the title "Fail/Fabulous Friday". If the idea I attempt is successful, well, then it will be a Fabulous Friday! If it's not? Well, then we'll have a good time laughing about the Fail Friday! :) You with me? Alright...

I hate cleaning toilets. Like, I'd rather clean up my own vomit than scrub a toilet. But it must be done. I usually wait until I really shouldn't wait any longer to get on my knees (that's what she said) and scrub the damn thing, just so I can relish in the fact that I don't have to do it for another few weeks or whenever. So when I found a pin about cleaning toilets WITHOUT having to scrub anything, I thought, what the heck? Might as well try it!!


The pin claimed that to eliminate odor & have a sparkling clean toilet bowl, all you had to do was pour 1 cup of baking soda in the toilet, let it sit for 1 hour, then flush, and like magic, your toilet would be clean. Too good to be true, right? Correcto.
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Toilet before - not too terrible. There was a slight ring around the top of the water, though.

See? Sprinkle the baking soda in the toilet...looks like I'm trying to flush some drugs...nevermind.
I waited for an hour (or more), flushed, and wasn't too happy with the results. The ring was still there, and I still had to get down on my knees and scrub the toilet. EWIE. Welp, can't always get what we want.

I'm sure if there was a horrible odor or terrible stains or something then this baking soda thing would work. And I guess it wouldn't hurt to try for yourself since baking soda comes in huge boxes and I never find a way to use the whole thing before it expires...

Was that fun? No? Okay, I'll try something more interesting next time so I don't have to take pictures of toilets. :)

Any pins you'd like to request that I try? Let me know in the comments!

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