Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 5

Day 5 was the fridge...again, not something I was looking forward to. As I explained before, our house is old and the kitchen is rather...funky. The space for the fridge is rather awkward, so the only fridge that fits is a very small, short one. Because of where we live, I cook 3 meals a day for 3 people(ok, so one is a baby, but still, that little man EATS!). I always have leftovers hanging around, and it seems like we have endless condiments left over from parties or recipes. Basically, our fridge desperately needed a good organizing! So I grabbed a chair (yes, I had to sit on a chair to clean the fridge - it's short!) and went to it (garbage bag in hand, of course).

Before - do I even need to explain why this needs organizing? Geez!

After - welp, I can actually SEE what's in the fridge.

I am actually having a good time with this organizing thing! Maybe I'll take it even further and actually KEEP things organized (probably not, I'd rather craft!)
Until tomorrow...have a good night! I'll be dreaming of organizing...or crafting... :)

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