Saturday, June 16, 2012

things i'm loving this week...

1. Pinterest (is that surprising?) - I find more ideas, recipes, tips, etc. on Pinterest than anywhere else on the internet. I've been trying to convince my bestie (that's best friend, folks) to sign up for Pinterest for MONTHS, and she hasn't. Not gonna lie, it kinda makes me feel like we have nothing to talk about or can't be best friends...kidding, kidding, but seirously, sometimes that's how I feel.

2. printables - BEFORE Pinterest, I really didn't know what printables were or that there were so many free printables available online. But AFTER Pinterest, I've learned that I can pretty much find a free printable for A-N-Y-THANG. (This Sunday is Father's Day - search for "Father's Day printable" on Pinterest and you will get lots of great gift ideas & printables!)

3. cold water - yes, I'm loving cold water. Why? Because I learned that after painting your nails, dip them in a bowl of cold water for about 30 seconds and...BOOM! You have dry nails. Amazing, right?! Especially when you never seem to have the time to actually wait for your nails to dry. (Speaking of, I just painted my nails and used this trick - they are totally dry, but of course I messed up one finger while trying to turn on my laptop...grrr...)

4. random commercials - like the one I recently saw for Poise pantiliners or whatever they are, with Kirstie Alley as the spokeswoman. All I really remember about the commercial was the tagline "Don't be freakin' cuz you're leakin'!" Thanks, Kirstie, I'll remember that next time I contemplate buying adult diapers.

5. TJ Miller - he's a comedian, he's on Chelsea Lately a lot, and he's just funny. (See video below - it's random humor, but still humor!)
Trust me, I used to be a lot of candles.

6. being pregnant - besides the obvious reasons, I like having an excuse for the reason as to why I was wearing my pants inside out...which I didn't do purposely...and discovered while in the middle of cooking a lovely Father's Day dinner for my fiance...yeah, it's because I'm pregnant. Right????

7. copycat recipes - ever since I first tasted Cheesecake Factory's avocado egg rolls (with AMAZING dipping sauce), I've said that I would request those if I were on death row and had to choose a last meal. (I'm being 100% serious here - I've said that exact thing MANY TIMES.) So when a strong craving hit for avocado egg rolls, and I realized the nearest Cheesecake Factory was about 630 miles from where I live, I decided to search online for a copycat recipe. And what did I find?! Just what I was looking for, obvi. They turned out DELICIOUS. Recipe & pix to follow - if you've never had them, you MUST MAKE THIS RECIPE. And beware of other restaurants that are trying to copy the OG avocado egg rolls!

I'm sure there is more that I'm loving this week, but right now, I'm loving that it's 10:10PM and I'm about to go to bed! SAWEEEEEET. :)

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