Tuesday, December 18, 2012

time for an update, and a revamp!

Wow...can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything!
Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the blog because I don't know if anyone is actually reading, but then I remember how much I like to write, and how I like to document my days, and then I get motivated to post something! I can only hope that one day I have some readers/followers that are interested in what I have to say!
SO...what has changed since my last post? Well, baby #2 is here! He's healthy and happy, his big brother is LOVING having another little guy around, and I have not slept since he was born 5 weeks ago. (I'm only SLIGHTLY kidding...) I'm adjusting to life as a mom of 2, and also adjusting to the fact that I don't think I want to be a stay at home mom forever. Does that make me a bad mom? I dunno, but it's the truth. Staying at home is pretty lonely! I miss adult interaction - and not just the few moments spent chatting up the cashier at the grocery store...
It's 7 days until Christmas - I haven't sent out ANY Christmas cards like I planned, haven't done ANY Christmas shopping, haven't EVEN DECORATED FOR CHRISTMAS YET. And at this point, who knows if I even will?
Since we've moved back to SoCal, we've had some serious financial problems. I won't go into it, but it's been tough, to say the least. We're just not that excited for Christmas this year because we can't afford to do the things for our families that we want to do. So I'm trying to find inexpensive gift ideas that aren't really lame.
ALSO, now that I'm no longer prego, I have the motivation to work out and eat healthy and get back to losing weight again! (Okay, I don't know that I really have the time to work out just yet, but whatevs, I'll pretend like I do.) Gotta get back on the healthy bandwagon! Going to post lots of pictures (probably more cell phone pics than I'd like to admit, but hey, I don't have time to get out the camera and USB cord and all that junk...) and going to post recipes, crafts (when I have the time!) and hopefully some fun stuff that ya'll are going to be interested in.

WGON (What's Going On Now): Both boys are napping on our bed right now (it's a Christmas miracle! They haven't napped at the same time in, well, ever.) and I am sitting on the couch with my laptop watching Food Network and listening to the rain outside, surrounded by Hot Wheels that I'm trying not to step on and get hurt by.

I PWO-MISE (baby talk for promise) to post more often! That's my New Year's Resolution :) Another resolution? Lose 100 lbs by this time next year. Yeah...about that...more like 105.6lbs to get to my goal weight, but 100 lbs is a nicer number to look at I suppose. We'll see if THAT happens.
Oh yeah, did I mention that I'm getting over a cold that hasn't gone away in WEEKS?! So over you, Mr. Cold.

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