Saturday, September 1, 2012

i feel like i'm The Machinist.

Yeah, this one. If you haven't seen it, it's a pretty good/creepy movie.
Why do I feel like I belong in this movie right now? Well, for the past 3 days I haven't slept. Like, at all. Which is EXTREMELY rare for me. I usually never have a problem hitting the hay right after my little man. But for some reason, the past 3 nights, I haven't been able to sleep. (Note: it's currently 2:44AM and I've been laying in bed trying to sleep since 10PM.) Last night, I was awake until 7AM, and fell asleep for a mere 1 1/2 hours until the little man woke up.


I am SO TIRED, but my mind won't stop RACING. I know I'm not the only one with this problem, but how do you deal when you're 7 months pregnant, can't take any medicine, have a toothache, and are so restless you just can't fall asleep?!

Speaking of being Prego, a friend of mine went into labor yesterday. So exciting!! It's always a miracle when a new little one is welcomed into this world, and it makes me so excited to welcome our Miracle #2! Which brings me to the fact that I've sort of been in denial about being pregnant this go-round. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I'm dealing with a toddler in the terrible two's where everything is SO. MUCH. HARDER. THAN. I. THOUGHT.

Creepy Mc Creeperson - BUT I was trying to take a picture of the blood vessels that suddenly burst/popped up on my face yesterday, all around my eyes. This is probably due to a horrible bout of throwing up in the morning when I got so upset about not sleeping. And yes, this was in a bathroom, Chuck E Cheese's to be exact.
I don't even know if this post is making any sense. What did I start out writing about? Oh yeah, not sleeping. Who knows, maybe this will be a new productive thing for me! If I don't sleep, then I have an extra 8 or so hours a day to do chores (HA!) or craft (okay...) or whatevs! :) It's called, The Bright Side people, and I've gotta start looking on/at it.


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